16. Joy


At one time or another, we have all dreamed of flying, of feeling the freedom of wings. This is why when we see a bird in flight we are filled with joy and wonderment. We plant gardens and fill feeders to attract our feathered friends. We watch, photograph and delight in their antics and aerial dances.

Birds are magical. They are also wonderful subjects for ink painting. Whether you choose a parrot, hummingbird, puffin, peacock or crested crane you will be in for a delightful journey of colors, textures and background possibilities.

Our subject this week is Inkatoo. This spirited painting of a cockatoo is one of my personal favorites. I love the vibrant colors and the playful expression. It is also a lesson in resilience. As you watch the video, you will see the challenges of the painting and how Inkatoo made a comeback. I can’t help but smile when I see this painting – the backstory and the finished piece are full of joy. I hope our study in birds this week help your creativity take joyful flight!

Creative Sparks

  • Birds splashing water in a bird bath
  • The contrast of colors between a male and female bird, like a cardinal
  • A “v” of birds in the sky 


About this painting: Inkatoo is an experiment in inkiness and negative space. I wanted to showcase a white subject by heavily and spontaneously inking around the area of the subject. All would have been fine if I had masked a bit better, but Snow Cap came to the rescue. 

Challenge Level: ✮✰✰ or ✮✮✰

Why: With the majority of the painting happening with the original ink flow, there isn’t a lot of actual brushwork painting. Of course, working with the pale colors and fixing masking errors can add to the challenge.

Predominant technique: Masking and direct painting with a loose, inky background

Inks: Pinata Senorita Magenta, Calabaza Orange, Baja Blue,  Rainforest Green, Sunbright Yellow, Snow Cap, Eggplant (or Cool Peri), Lemonade

Reference image:  See downloadable

Project Steps:

  1. Create a pencil drawing on Yupo
  2. Mask all of the areas that you would like to remain white during the inking process (I recommend masking better than I did)
  3. Randomly drop ink to create a unique pattern. Let dry
  4.  Remove the masking fluid. If necessary, clean up any masking errors with the cotton swab and alcohol and add several layers of opaque white ink to cover over the pink staining (hopefully you’ll skip this step)
  5. Use the fine-tipped black pen for the eye and beak
  6. Add pale colors to shade the bird
  7. Blend and soften with alcohol and the cotton swab
  8. Paint the yellow feathers
  9. Continue shading the feathers with pale colors such as Lemonade. Blend with the cotton swab and alcohol
  10. Add highlights with the white pen and a last few details with the black pen

Video Notes: This is a re-edit of an older video with voiceover.

Crested Crane

About this painting: This painting of a crested crane has several fun elements – the wispy crest and the intriguing texture of the feathers on the top of the head. I’ve painted from this reference photo before – see the framed piece from my 50 Ink Animals Project.

Challenge Level: ✮✮✰

Why: This could easily be a ✮✰✰ – the textures are fun and, with distinctive features like the crest, odds are your painting will end up looking like a crested crane no matter how awry things go.

Predominant technique: Masking with an inky background and penwork for the crest

Inks: Mermaid, Denim, Eggplant, Botanical, Pink Sherbet, Honeycomb, Lemonade, Brass

Reference image: See downloadable below

Project Steps:

  1. Begin with a light pencil drawing on Yupo
  2. Mask the outlines, areas that need to be light, and wispy highlights in the crest
  3. Ink the background by dropping jungle colors and alcohol. Use the cotton ball to make sure the paper is covered and to remove any excess ink
  4. Remove the masking fluid
  5. Paint in the dark values with Eggplant
  6. Use the cotton swab and alcohol to clean up any errant ink
  7. Paint in the cheek with Pink Sherbet
  8. Continue adding dark values with thickened Eggplant
  9. Draw in the eye with the fine-tipped black pen
  10. Continue painting the beak with Denim and lift highlights with alcohol and the pointed cotton swab
  11. Continue painting the cheek by lifting lights with the cotton swab and alcohol and then painting with the thickened Pink Sherbet
  12. Brush strands of Honeycomb through the crest
  13. Continue painting the crest with Lemonade
  14. Lift highlights in the crest with the pointed cotton swab and alcohol
  15. Add details to the beak
  16. Splatter Pinata brass, being sure to cover any areas of the painting that should not be splattered
  17. Finetune by lifting and adding texture to the top of the head
  18. Tighten up a few areas with the fine-tipped pens in black and white

Next: 17. Coziness

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